This past spring RSU 25 began testing for the presence of lead in the drinking water in our RSU 25 schools. Before we could complete the testing in all four schools the State of Maine DOE suspended the testing program for the months of July and August and extended the testing period until the end of December 2022. Before the program was suspended we had completed the testing in the Miles Lane School and the Bucksport Middle School and those results have been published.
While we were not able to test the other two schools during the summer months through the State testing program, locally we determined we would still, independently test at the Jewett Elementary School and the Bucksport High School. We conducted our testing using the same protocols and a State approved testing facility.
The results of those tests did indicate there were two locations in Bucksport High School, out of the seven locations tested that indicated levels above the 4 parts per billion (ppb) threshold. Those two areas have been taken out of service and are being re-plumbed and the old fixtures are being replaced. Additionally, both areas will have filtration installed that will remove the presence of lead in the water. Once the work is completed the locations will be retested before being returned to service.
The results for the Jewett Elementary School indicate there are eight locations above the 4 ppb threshold out of the seventeen locations tested. All eight of those locations have been taken out of service and will be re-plumbed with new fixtures, and subsequently retested. In the meantime, we have arranged to have Oak Grove Spring water available in each of those locations.
As I indicated, the testing completed this summer is independent of the State required testing which will start up again in September. RSU 25 will retest all required locations in the Jewett Elementary School and Bucksport High School again as part of the State testing program. Our efforts this summer have been with the intent to remediate any issues as quickly as possible and to start the year knowing we are providing potable water that meets the 4 ppb threshold.
The results of the testing we have completed to date will be published on the RSU 25 website, and if you have any questions regarding this testing program please contact the RSU 25 central office.
This specific information is
available clicking here.
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We will continue to update the below table as we receive the test results from the State of Maine program. We encourage you to visit the site for further information.
Location |
Posted Results Date
G.H. Jewett School
3/3/23 |
Miles Lane School
6/17/22 |
Middle School
6/8/22 |
High School
3/3/23 |
Central Office
Pending |